Im back! Literally.

Hey all. I know this blog is DEAD. Yes, I say D-E-A-D. Its because that I really dont have the inspiration and the good strong language to blog and attract readers. I know apparently no one willl read this besides those passer bys but if you appear to read this, mind if you click that nuffnag ad on the right side PLEASE? Yes that ad right at the right side of this blog. I'll really appreciate it if you did it. And if a number of people clicked it, who knows i'll continue blogging? :)

I Dont Know What To Say

Ok. I know that I was being really stupid. I didnt want to change myself. I love being myself and I should be proud of myself. But still, im gonna change SOME things. Don't worry, you'll still get the same old Ian here. :)

Ahh. Form 4 is really getting hard. Basically every subject is giving me a headache. Homeworks are piling up too. Everything is worse than I thought and I want my form 3 life! D:

Let me rate the subjects from 1-10. (1 = least headache , 10 = most headache)

Biology: 6
Chemistry: 10
Physics: 4
BM: 5
English: 4
Math: 2
Add Math: 4-5
Sejarah: 9
Moral: 3

Ahh. 2 deadly subjects. And my add math is starting to get headaches. Really wasnt what I expected. D:

I just wanted to be the first one
to miss you everyday
by texting you at 12am everyday.
How naive of me.

Losing My Mind

Alright. I know. I cant get what I want. After more than 10 times, this must come to an end.
I believe that its karma, its the bad things I did and God is repaying me with them. Fair enough. Im not gonna be the Ian I used to be.

1. Im not gonna laugh out loud anymore cause my voice sucks.
2. Im not gonna bully any girls anymore
3. Im removing my tummy.
4. I wont be that talkative anymore.
5. Im not gonna say anything lame anymore.
6. Im not gonna try to be funny in class anymore.
7. Im too dark. This year shall be my last year of basketball.
8. Yes, I know im 'yong sui'. You wont see my pictures anymore.

9. Lesser dota time.
10. Its the last one. After i fail this, Im not gonna try anymore.
11. I wont be mean to anyone anymore.
12. I will try to not show my temper anymore.
13. Yes, im a pervert. I wont be it anymore.
14. I wont 'HAHA' or 'LOL' anymore.
15. I wont do any bad things anymore.

I know all these sounds emo but Im so gonna do it. I cant stand myself anymore. I want to change. Bare with the 'new' Ian. Im so gonna look different.

Okay, i screwed things up. I still want the old me. But theres still a little change. I've crossed out some things that im not gonna change.

Restart My Engine!

The year 2010 doesnt really seem to go my way. Well, not everything but somehow I feel that its worse than 2009.

And so the starting of being a pure science student. It's not as hard nor as easy as you think. At least its something challenging for me to cope with some subjects like SEJARAH. Especially now its all in subjective. D:

Sports day is coming and I thought of running 1500m but I wasnt chosen! Sad. :( Well, congrats to HonWye for beating all the blue house members in 1500m. I ended up getting fourth place. :(
Gahh. Nevermind. I shall continue my daily jogging to train for my patriotic run. :D

Today was really a tiring day. I feel half dead now. Had PE in the morning, then ran 1500m for tryouts, and then had basketball training after that. PLUS, I did not have enough sleep last night. Crap. And houseworks seriously bugs me. GAHH. Im dead.

How nice if I had a time machine that can travel to the past. Then my life would be perfect.

Special Story. :)

Day 1 - Fat Kiat admits straight away that he doesn't like the look of Huiwen. He says she looks like a lesbian. As it turns out, Eunice is in fact the only lesbian in the house, although Iven later admits that he is unsure of his true sexuality.

2 - The house sit down for a discussion of how to organise simple chores. Ian creates tension by stating that the kitchen is where the women belong. Jiawen hits him with a Frying Pan.

3 - The housemates are set their first task by Big Brother - they must make a model of Piza out of Char Kuay Teow. After much persuasion by Ian, they gamble 50% of next week's food budget on completing the task.

4 - Training for the Piza task is well under way. However havoc ensues when Iven, who is rapidly developing a reputation as the laziest fat bastard in the house, eats half the Char Kuay Teow. Jiawen is furious.

5 - Today is the day when the Piza task must be completed. Things are going well until shortly before the end when Iven farts and blows Piza over. Big Brother announces that the task has been a failure. Huiwen cries.

6 - Ian gets pecked on the arm by one of the Big Brother chickens. Not a very exciting day.

7 - Big Brother is worried that things are getting dull, so he summons the housemates to have a mass debate about sex. After far too many cans of cider, Huiwen admits that she likes to be spanked on the arse with a Frying Pan. Fat Kiat says he never wears condoms because they make his Dick sore and Ian agrees. Eunice goes into a rant about how none of the other housemates have ever enjoyed a true orgasm because they're all boring heterosexual bastards. Iven sits in the corner, quietly eyeing up Ian.

8 - Today is the first day that the housemates must nominate someone to leave. Fat Kiat goes round everyone one by one, telling them he really likes them because they're the only one in the house that he can really relate to. Jiawen and Huiwen are voted as the two candidates to leave. Nobody votes for Fat Kiat.

9 - Jiawen and Huiwen are told of their nominations and burst into tears, before hugging everyone and telling them they love them. Eunice sings them a song - Negaraku - to make them feel better.

10 - The public vote Huiwen out of the house. She pretends not to be bothered but then breaks down and sobs that she should never have admitted about enjoying being spanked. Huiwen leaves.

11 - Relationships are strained in the house as the housemates come to terms with Huiwen's departure. The food budget is low due to the failure of last week's failed task. Eunice has to make do without the cucumber she requested. Jiawen is visibly depressed and is comforted by Ian, who tries to touch her on her Boobs.

12 - The Big Brother pyschologist replays the footage of Ian touching Jiawen's Boobs over and over again. This is because it shows an interesting psychological incident, of course, not because it will increase the viewing figures. Big Brother sets the housemates the task of jogging on a running machine for twice the circumferance of the globe. They gamble 40% of the food budget on completing it.

13 - The running machine task is on target, despite the fact that Iven refuses to run because his Dick hurts a bit.

14 - Much jubilation in the house as the running machine task is completed. Iven finally manages to run the last 10 metres of the task and claims that without him they'd never have done it. Jiawen calls Iven a lazy Dick.

15 - Once again it is the day when nominations are due. Fat Kiat tells everyone individually that he thinks Jiawen is a whore. He also points out that anyone who wants to stay at his flat when the show is finished is welcome to come and visit. Jiawen and Ian are nominated by the housemates to leave. Nobody votes for Fat Kiat.

16 - The nominations are announced. Jiawen can't believe she's been voted out two weeks in a row. Ian is equally stunned and turns to Jiawen for comfort. Iven is distraught and confesses to Eunice that he thinks he is in love with Ian. Eunice says she doesn't fancy any of the housemates because they're all just too heterosexual and she's a lesbian, you know

17 - The public vote Ian out of the house. Jiawen says she is gutted and even gives Ian a clipping of hair from her Boobs to prove how much she cares. Iven is also devastated but keeps his hair to himself. Ian leaves.

18 - The Big Brother psychologist shows repeated clips of Jiawen clipping the hair from her Boobs. Apparently this is an important psychological incident. The public obviously agree as viewing figures soar.

19 - Big Brother sets the housemates the task of burping the National Anthem of Iraq in 60 seconds. They gamble 50% of the food budget on completing it.

20 - Nobody has a clue what the National Anthem of Iraq sounds like but Iven says it's a bit like Dancing Queen. The housemates choose Fat Kiat as the one who must complete the task.

21 - Fat Kiat successfully burps not only the National Anthem of Iraq but also God Save The Queen, Negaraku and the theme tune to Prison Break. He is proclaimed as a hero, despite the fact that a vote in a tabloid newspaper shows that 98% of the public want to kill him.

22 - Nominations are due and Fat Kiat tells everyone that he has a Villa in the South of France and they can all come and stay for a holiday. Iven and Eunice are nominated.

23 - Iven and Eunice take their nominations well and sit down with Fat Kiat and Jiawen to discuss why they voted for them. Fat Kiat keeps quiet but Jiawen accuses Iven of being an arrogant, lazy, self-centred Dick before bursting into tears.

24 - The public vote Eunice out of the house and nobody really gives a shit. Eunice leaves.

25 - Fat Kiat becomes the first housemate to have a wank. This footage goes down well with the Big Brother pschologist who proclaims that it gives us a true insight into the working of Fat Kiat's mind and brings out his true personality. In other words, he's a wanker.

26 - Big Brother sets the remaining three housemates the task of shifting 5000 tons of Whale dung using only a Frying Pan. Fat Kiat is unsure but Iven is confident, claiming to have done something very similar when he was younger. They gamble 50% of the food budget.

27 - Completely out of the blue, Iven breaks down in tears and announces that he is leaving. He claims that it is because the dung-shifting task has brought back the painful memories of the Whale incident from his childhood. Jiawen tries to persuade him to stay but Fat Kiat sits in a corner, rubbing his hands slyly. Iven decides to leave.

28 - With only two housemates remaining, the Whale dung task proves impossible. They fail miserably and resort to getting extremely pissed on some vegetable wine, made by Jiawen from a couple of mouldy carrots she found in the Big Brother garden.

29 - Nominations are due for the final time. Fat Kiat asks Jiawen to marry him and she accepts. Unsurprisingly Fat Kiat nominates Jiawen to leave. Rather more surprisingly, so does Jiawen.

30 - When the nomination is announced, Jiawen graciously accepts defeat and proclaims that Fat Kiat is a worthy winner. As they are soon to marry, she also agrees to shag him. The event is broadcast live to the nation and is preceded by a speech from the Queen. Everyone in the Big Brother production crew breathe a huge sigh of relief as viewing figures go through the roof. Fat Kiat takes his £70,000 and runs away to Iraq. Nobody, including Jiawen, ever sees him again.

HEHEHE. I did not make up this story. :D SO dont come and blame me if you feel insulted. :D

Happy 2010!

A brand new year, A brand new month, A brand new day to start off everything.

Before I start off my 2010 resolutions, let me blog about what i did during eve. :)

On 31st December 2009, the day everyone has been waiting for. I went to Iven's house around 3. Wei Chean, Xiang Ming, Hui Wen, Yen Yie were already there. Messed around awhile and then got so tired until Eunice came around 4. As usual, the only thing we can do is either to play Xbox, use the laptop or (anything you can think of) on the bed. :D

Around 8 something, we all gathered around the living room. Me and Eunice bought a cake. Its written 'Happy 2010'. The cake was nice though. After when we started eating the cake, Iven started to make fun with the cake. Applying it people's face. Well, in the end 20% of the cake was wasted. * Video to come about mad cake applying session*

After that everyone had to wash their faces. Even my white shirt got some chocolate stain on it. Then we walked to Solaris about 9 something. Went to Sushi King and makan. Jiawen suddenly appeared from nowhere. :O And then something memorable happened. It was something that I wont forget in my life. Soon about 11, Huiwen left first. And before she left we called the guard to take a picture for us. He was so DUMB. He dont even know how to use a camera. -.-

When it was about 11.30, we went walking around solaris. Then when the countdown was coming, we gathered at the solaris street and countdowned together. Quite fun and exciting. And the fireworks were nice too. And then we had to wait till the girls leave only we went to the cc at solaris. It usually opens until 5am. But now they changed it to 4am. WHAT LA. -.- after playing we went to Bestari and makan. :D

Well of course, we're all not robots. We walked back to Iven's house. Talked some GUY stuffs. :O
Then iven slept first. followed by weichean. Me, ming, and kiat was stilll dotaing in the room. heh. :D Then Ming was tired so we slept at the living room.

Around 8 something, i went back alone by taxi cause i need to do some housework and open the gate for my temporaily maid. -.- Thats how i started my 2010. :)

1. I'll be more hardworking. :O
2. Get a new phone.
3. Cut down weight
5. Grow stronger.
6. Grow TALLER
7. Daydream lesser. HAHA
8. Get something i want.
etc etc etc etc etc......

ahhh. Cant list all out. Hmm. cant think of what resolutions i want to make. Fine then. I shall leave it here until i thought of more. :)

Dedicated to LiChi

Dear LiChi,

I've never had a friend like you before. When i needed someone you were there for me. You helped me through alot of things. Unfortunately you're leaving. Well, i couldnt come to your house today cause i was busy. So sorry. All i can do is just to make this video just for you. Hope you'll like it. :)

Wheeee. :D

Okay. A new video is borned. :D
This is a video about How to be an Idiot. :)

p/s Jiawen & Huiwen please dont kill me. Just wanna say that my life is really very precious. :D

It Takes Some Time

Urgh. So sorry for the late update.
If you did not know that my maid ran away, you just did.
So yeah. Basically houseworks are something that can actually drain up most of your time.
Thats one of the reason im not making any videos at the moment.

Anyway, I've been to genting last Thursday with my friends. Kinda lazy to write everything what happened here. So just watch the video and go my facebook album to view. :)
You can even view HonWye's album. :D



And yes, you can see the video that supposed to be here is missing. Blame blogger for the problem. haha. Anyway i've uploaded it on facebook. Feel free to watch it there. :)

First MV!

Yeap. My first MV. It was tough making this MV. Took me quite some time to do all the cutting and editing. But then it looks smooth now. Hope you'll like it. :D

Well, reason why i chose this song is because my brother left his computer on with this song. And i got inspired from there. So yeah. ENJOY. :D

My 4th video. :D

Song lyrics.

Day after day
Time passed away
And I just can't get you off my mind
Nobody knows, I hide it inside
I keep on searching but I can't find
The courage to show to letting you know
I've never felt so much love before
And once again I'm thinking about
Taking the easy way out

But if I let you go
I will never know
What my life would be holding you close to me
Will I ever see you smiling back at me?
How will I know
If I let you go?

Night after night
I hear myself say
Why can't this feeling just fade away
There's no one like you (no one like you)
You speak to my heart (speak to my heart)
It's such a shame we're worlds apart
I'm too shy to ask, I'm too proud to lose
But sooner or later I gotta choose
And once again I'm thinking about
Taking the easy way out
But if I let you go I will never know
What my life would be, holding you close to me
Will I ever see you smiling back at me?
How will I know
If I let you go ?

If I let you go ooooh baby Ooooooooohhhhh
Once again I'm thinking about
Taking the easy way out Ooooooooohhhhh
But if I let you go I will never know
What my life would be, holding you close to me
Will I ever see you smiling back at me?
How will I know
But if I let you go I will never know
Will I ever see you smiling back at me?
How will I know
If I let you go ?