Happy 2010!

A brand new year, A brand new month, A brand new day to start off everything.

Before I start off my 2010 resolutions, let me blog about what i did during eve. :)

On 31st December 2009, the day everyone has been waiting for. I went to Iven's house around 3. Wei Chean, Xiang Ming, Hui Wen, Yen Yie were already there. Messed around awhile and then got so tired until Eunice came around 4. As usual, the only thing we can do is either to play Xbox, use the laptop or (anything you can think of) on the bed. :D

Around 8 something, we all gathered around the living room. Me and Eunice bought a cake. Its written 'Happy 2010'. The cake was nice though. After when we started eating the cake, Iven started to make fun with the cake. Applying it people's face. Well, in the end 20% of the cake was wasted. * Video to come about mad cake applying session*

After that everyone had to wash their faces. Even my white shirt got some chocolate stain on it. Then we walked to Solaris about 9 something. Went to Sushi King and makan. Jiawen suddenly appeared from nowhere. :O And then something memorable happened. It was something that I wont forget in my life. Soon about 11, Huiwen left first. And before she left we called the guard to take a picture for us. He was so DUMB. He dont even know how to use a camera. -.-

When it was about 11.30, we went walking around solaris. Then when the countdown was coming, we gathered at the solaris street and countdowned together. Quite fun and exciting. And the fireworks were nice too. And then we had to wait till the girls leave only we went to the cc at solaris. It usually opens until 5am. But now they changed it to 4am. WHAT LA. -.- after playing we went to Bestari and makan. :D

Well of course, we're all not robots. We walked back to Iven's house. Talked some GUY stuffs. :O
Then iven slept first. followed by weichean. Me, ming, and kiat was stilll dotaing in the room. heh. :D Then Ming was tired so we slept at the living room.

Around 8 something, i went back alone by taxi cause i need to do some housework and open the gate for my temporaily maid. -.- Thats how i started my 2010. :)

1. I'll be more hardworking. :O
2. Get a new phone.
3. Cut down weight
5. Grow stronger.
6. Grow TALLER
7. Daydream lesser. HAHA
8. Get something i want.
etc etc etc etc etc......

ahhh. Cant list all out. Hmm. cant think of what resolutions i want to make. Fine then. I shall leave it here until i thought of more. :)