Third Video is OUT!

Yes and yet another video of my retardness and lameness. :D
Today was normal. Went for basketball at 8 this morning. Then we went to Cova and makan. Sorry, kinda malas to upload the pictures. So yeah.

And then i received a called from my brother. He asked me whether if I want to work for half day. Well, I decided to work then, since im so bored at home. Heh. I was actually smart to bring along the camera and the tripod stand to the office. HEHE.

Well, while i was recording, I accidentally dropped the carema to the floor. Luckily the camera didnt spoil but then it looks out of shape now. Just abit. :O
So yeah. I just ignored it and then continue with my recording. :D

And so below is my video for the day. Hope you'll like it. :D


The sleeping on the sofa part was abit too long. sorry about that. :O