Bored Holidays

Yes, I know. Holidays are really very boring. Expected though.

Had basketball training this morning. And then after that we went to Jawbreaker. :D

Played there for 2 hours plus. Had to borrow some money from Julian. :O

So yeah. Nothing much.


Did I every told you guys i have a special power?

No? Okay fine then. I shall reveal my secret power!


Watch this video and you'll know everything. :D


Start of Something New

A whole new blog to start of everything again. What can i say? The old blog gave me bad memories but there are still good memories in it. So i will just abandon it and make a new one. Hope i wont get bored of blogging and abandon this blog one day. :)

Another main reason of me creating a new blog is because holidays are really too boring and i couldn't find anything better to do but to blog. So yeah. And you know what? Im starting to like greenish blogs. No idea why. For some reason i like it. :)

And so, Im really really tired now. i just got like 2 and a half hours of sleep last night, no wait. THIS MORNING. Well then, lets see what really happened yesterday...

Yesterday Iven had a small gathering at his house. Thomas, Xiang Ming, Me, Eunice, Jiawen and her siblings went. We went there for swimming and then we played at the jacuzzi. Many sick things happened. :O And so, we all went into the guys sauna room. including the girls though. In just 15 mins, we all sweating like hell. After all the foolishness, we went back to Iven's house to shower. Everyone was fighting for the toilets. Apparently there were 3 toilets and 8 of us. So yeah, we waiting and took our turns.

Around 6.30, we walked to solaris to have our dinner. We went to Bon-Ka (Korean Restaurant) to have our dinner. This is the part where all the sick parts come in. LIU~ and Iven broke a plate. :O The Dinner was nice. And then we went back to play some more. Eunice left the earliest. Followed by Thomas and Jiawen. It was around 11.30, so the 3 of us went to solaris cc to play. Played l4d 2 and dota for 4 hours until 4am. Then we went to Bestari to eat something. went back around 5 and then Iven fell asleep. Ming was playing the Xbox and i was playing CS.

About 8 something, Ming fell asleep too. I was just continue playing my CS. About 11am, I finally stopped playing and went out to the living room. I saw the sofa, it was so tempting that i could not resist not to lie down on it. So yeah, i just lie down on it and within 3 mins i fell asleep. Woke up at 1.30 which was my electone class time. My mom called me and scolded me for missing the class. After all that, we all continue playing again. I continue my CS and Ming continue with the Xbox.

Suddenly, weird sounds were coming out from my tummy and i just realized that i havent eat anything. I was so hungry that i could not stand it anymore. Had to cook instant noodles myself. Then my cousin called me to go play basketball with him. He fetched me from Iven's house and then we went for basketball.

Played until 7 then he sent me back home. Was so tired that i really need a sleep right now. Im gonna sleep early tonight. So yeah. You probably wont see me online at 2. Or maybe not? :)

Thats all for this time. :)

Pictures. :)

On the way to solaris. Eunice claims that im CUTE here. -.-

Pictures stolen from Eunice's blog. :D